Training Services


The Economic Development and Training Division offers a wide range of training services to a variety of clients. We can customize training solutions to meet your organization’s training needs. The professional training staff has extensive experience in business, industry, and education. We can provide your organization with free consultation on training issues at your site or ours. Let us help map out a training plan to meet your specific objectives. Click on the links below for more training information and for how to contact a staff member ready to serve you.

Computer Training

The Computer Training specialists welcome the opportunity to customize a computer training program for you and your organization. Trainers and computer labs are available for today’s most popular software programs.

Eagle Ridge Challenge Course

Few training experiences can match the Eagle Ridge Challenge Course. A blend of great, applicable content and lots of fun with serious goal setting in mind. Experiential learning experiences build awareness of important team characteristics and strengthen team relationships.


Ed2Go training is as close as your computer. National training programs are available to the user via the web at home or at work, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Instructor Facilitated Online Courses – A favorite for teachers needing to renew their certificates.

CEU Certificates available for approved CEU classes ($25 fee for each certificate)


Wendy Douglas
WET Fund Director
David Creel
Associate Vice President of Workforce Development
Josh Bower
Dean of Agriculture and Transportation /
Director of Talent, Workforce & Economic Development