Members of Montage include, from left, Sarah Thames of Pearl, Alyssa Vernon of Richland, Brook Vernon of Richland, Dominique Mathis of Clinton, Charlie Wright of Utica, Xiandria Gabby Long of Jackson, LaCia Moses of Jackson, Versace Devine of Madison and Nate Campbell of Clinton, center, director Tiffany Jefferson of Terry; from right, Zairia Bell of Byram, Natalya Burton of Jackson, Walter Jones of Clinton, Chelby McBee of Vicksburg, Timothy Jones of Jackson, Cheryl Harris of Raymond, Josh Knight of Terry and Katrellis Plumpp of Terry.
The Montage Theatre of Dance at Hinds Community College will present “Willie Wonka and the C&C Dance Chocolate Factory” at 7 p.m. Nov. 11 and 12 at Cain-Cochran Hall on the Raymond Campus.
Advance admission is $5 for students and seniors and $7 general admission. Admission at the door is $7 for students and seniors and $10 general admission. Hinds faculty and staff are free with an ID.
As Mississippi’s largest community college, Hinds Community College is a comprehensive institution offering quality, affordable educational opportunities with more than 170 academic, career and technical programs. With six locations in central Mississippi, Hinds enrolled nearly 12,000 credit students in fall 2014. To learn more, visit www.hindscc.edu or call 1.800.HindsCC.