September 20, 2018

Do better when you know better, keynoter tells M2M summit at Hinds CC

PEARL – College is a time for traditional-age students when decisions can make or break their lives for years – and the time for discipline is now, said the keynote…
BY: Danny Barrett Jr.

PEARL – College is a time for traditional-age students when decisions can make or break their lives for years – and the time for discipline is now, said the keynote speaker at the M2M Education Meets Excellence summit Sept. 13.


Antonio Robinson, director of Upward Bound Math and Science program at Trident Technical College in Charleston, S.C., told about 250 students of Hinds, high schools from the region and others his talk wasn’t so much to preach, but to lay out the best life strategies for college and beyond.


His presentation was titled A Gentleman’s Guide to Personal Development.  


“When students spend a year with me, they will come out different,” he said. “If they’re the same person they were a year ago, then I’ve failed at my job.

From left, Ahmad Smith, Antonio Robinson, Dr. Aleisha Escobedo, Dwayne Jefferson, Colleen Hartfield, and Keith Williams, Jr. (Hinds Community College/April Garon)

“I call it the gentleman’s guide because a gentleman doesn’t force stuff on you,” he said. “It’s here for you to take with you. You know how you know what’s right and you don’t always do what’s right? My mission in life is to close the gap between knowing and doing.”


Robinson, who holds master’s and bachelor’s degrees in counseling from Charleston Southern University and has counseled in high schools and colleges for 20 years, spoke of the importance of making good decisions in all facets of life, starting in college. Examples ranged from how diligently to study for tests to their choices of friends.


Your network will determine your net worth. Surround yourself with people who have a value of themselves. Hang out with people who force you to step it up. You’re always one decision away from a totally different life.” 

Students from Jackson Public School, Hinds County School District and The Piney Woods School attended this fall’s summit, held in the Muse Center on the Rankin Campus.  


“I learned you have to be well-organized and be attentive,” said Steven Little, a junior at Murrah High School. “And have a good appearance, because people really do judge you on your appearance in life.”

Breakout sessions were conducted by Oklahoma-based Paradigm Shift, a nonprofit group specializing in motivating youth. 

Steven Little, a junior at Murrah High School, listens to a presentation during the M2M Leadership Summit held Sept. 12 at the Muse Center on the Rankin Campus. (Hinds Community College/April Garon)


“This summit provided an opportunity for our students to engage with their peers and serve as active leaders and forward thinkers,” M2M director Dr. Aleisha Escobedo said.


The grant-funded initiative on campus that has provided leadership training, career counseling and other services to help African-Americans succeed in college is building on a $1.6 million federal grant secured in 2016 under the Title III, Part A, Predominantly Black Institutions (PBI) Formula Program of the U.S. Department of Education. The two-year grant is $2.1 million.


The funds will enable the college to improve its instructional program and emerging technologies, plus augment student support services. The grant also provides innovative faculty and staff training efforts designed to close the achievement gap between African-American students and other student populations at the college. The five-year grant ends in 2021. 

Photo: Angie Foote

RAYMOND – Hinds Community College Hi-Steppers have been named for 2024-2025.

They are, front, from left, Denver Jackson of Jackson, Zoe Irving of Jackson, Alexis Marts of Flowood, Amia Lewis of Byram, Cheyenne Cornelius of Clinton, Malayah Evans of Newton County, Erin Lollis of Byram, Skylar Boyd of Jackson and Jayda Graham of Flowood; back row, Alexis Malone of Clinton, Ciera Pruitt of Gulfport, Olivia Broadwater of Pearl, Chloee Haley of Clinton, Rylan Liles of Vicksburg, Chloe McHann of Clinton, Cori Turner of Jackson, Reaghan Miller of Clinton and Jakayla Brown of Utica.

The group has a new director, Beka King of Pearl. She is only the third director in the 75-year history of the Hi-Steppers. She herself was a Hi-Stepper from 2013-2015 and, during her sophomore year, she was captain of the team.

Hinds offers affordable, comprehensive educational opportunities across six campus locations and has nearly 500 academic classes guaranteed to transfer to a university, over 65 career and technical program options and an extensive array of online courses. Applications for general admissions are currently being accepted. Prospective students are encouraged to apply and explore enrollment steps at

Our Mission: Hinds Community College is committed to moving people and communities forward by helping develop their purpose, passion and profession.

Our Vision: Hinds Community College will be a catalyst to create a competitive economy and a compelling culture for Mississippi.

Our Values: Hinds Community College aspires to the following IDEALS: Integrity, Diversity, Excellence, Accountability, Leadership, Stewardship.

To learn more, visit or call 1.800.HindsCC.