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Student Services
Student Services

The Division of Student Services works together to provide support to students, faculty, and the general public. The primary goal is to support what takes place in academic, technical, career, and continuing education programs of the College.


Residence halls play a vital role in retaining students, and statistics show that students who reside on campus are better prepared to succeed academically. Our residence halls are led by professional residence hall directors and a team of resident assistants eager to serve you.

Student Life
Clubs and Groups

Learn about clubs & groups, student activities, honors, student services, and more!

Adult Education & High School Equivalency
Program of Study

A variety of free ABE courses, HSE testing dates, and locations are available. At Hinds CC, we hope you find the flexibility and support you need to continue your education, start a new job or build a better life!

Online Classes
Program of Study

The eLearning Department provides extended educational opportunities for students by utilizing technology in or out of the classroom. The office encompasses the services of Instructional Technology, Instructional Design, Media Services, and Distance Learning.

Costs & Aid

We work closely with students and families to answer questions and find financial options. By choosing Hinds CC, you can avoid student loan debt during your first two years of college.

How To Enroll

A step-by-step guide to enrolling at Hinds CC, from being admitted to getting ready for classes.

No High School Diploma

If you did not earn a standard high school diploma or an HSE diploma we have programs designed for you! You can be admitted through our MI-BEST program or Vocational admission process.

High School Equivalency Diploma Holders

That’s what it took to earn your high school equivalency diploma. The hard work you have put into pushing yourself forward and upward is a major accomplishment. We want to honor that hard work by committing to help you as you continue your education.

International Students

International students with appropriate scholastic records and proven English proficiency will be considered for admission as freshmen or as transfer students. Freshman applicants must be graduates of recognized secondary schools comparable in level to the American high school.